Adopted Boy Sobs With Joy After New Family Surprises Him With His First Birthday Cake

Adopted Boy Sobs With Joy After New Family Surprises Him With His First Birthday Cake

Abraham Walker, a sixth grader, and his brother, Joe, were adopted from Sierra Leone, West Africa, last fall by a loving family in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Before his adoption, Walker never got to have a birthday party of his own, and sadly, he doesn't even know how old he really is. That all changed when his new family decided to surprise him.

 width= Photo: YouTube/TODAY

Walker was sitting at the table when his mom started walking into the kitchen holding a birthday cake filled with lit candles. The family began to sing "Happy Birthday" to Walker, as he covered his mouth and held back tears.

Walker's face lit up with joy when he realized what was happening.

 width= Photo: YouTube/TODAY

As soon as his mom placed the cake down in front of him, he got out of his seat and ran to hug his dad and mom while he continued to sob.

His adopted dad met Walker and his brother during a trip to an orphanage in Sierra Leone.

When the brothers were about to be separated and forced out onto the streets, the Walkers and their four kids got together and decided quickly and unanimously that Abraham and Joe should join their family in America.

 width= Photo: YouTube/TODAY

"All I used to pray for was for me to have a family that could love me and care about me, and then God just said, 'wait I have the perfect and beautiful family,'" Walker told TODAY.

It's safe to say that this is a birthday that Walker will never forget, and it's just the first of many birthday celebrations that he will receive in his life.

Watch the heartwarming surprise in the video below:

Ashley McCann

Growing up, Ashley always had a passion for writing. After receiving her Bachelor's in Journalism from Stony Brook University, she dove right into the professional world of content. When she isn't writing, she loves to read, travel, and explore the outdoors with her husband and two dogs.

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