Alabama Man Secretly Donates Thousands To Cover Stranger's Pharmacy Bills

Alabama Man Secretly Donates Thousands To Cover Stranger's Pharmacy Bills

I don't think we need anyone to tell us that medication can get expensive in the U.S.. In some cases, people may not even take their medication because it is more than what they can afford.

Those people may be singing a different tune if they live in Geraldine, Alabama. Somebody has been secretly donating money to help pay for prescriptions, and they have given thousands to the cause.

According to a local news station, it started when Hody Childress walked into the pharmacy in 2012. He handed the pharmacist a $100 bill and said it was for anyone who couldn't afford their prescription. He also said they were not to tell a soul where they got the money, just to say it was a blessing from God.

For the next decade, Childress brought $100 to the pharmacy and would give more when he could. He always told the pharmacist to use the funds for families who needed extra help.

On average, this pay-it-forward kindness helped two people every month with the cost of medication. Over the years, he has assisted 240 people.

The interesting thing is that Childress was not a very wealthy man. He lived off of Social Security and a small pension check.

According to the news outlet, Childress served in the Air Force and worked many jobs in his life. He also lost his son in a tornado and would carry his wife, who struggled with multiple sclerosis, to the stands to watch the games on Friday nights.

His only stipulation was that you could not buy pain pills with the money. Other than that, the pharmacist was to use the money at her discretion.

Childress died on New Year's Day at the age of 80. He struggled with COPD and a variety of other health issues. Many people will remember him as a kind individual, and there are many he helped anonymously that would agree.

His daughter, Tania Nix, told the secret to the community at his funeral. She had been responsible for taking money to the pharmacy when he wasn't able to do so on his own. She didn't know about it until he got too stick to do the kind deed himself.

Since his passing, the Hody's Heart Fund has been established in his honor so others can donate to the cause. The fund regularly shares updates and posts about Hody on Facebook, as well as ways that others can help.

Timothy Roberts

I love to write and it keeps me busy. I've been working online, full time since 1999. When you can't find me at the keyboard, you'll find me getting as much as I can out of life. I enjoy living simply, playing games, visiting the beach, and spending time with my family.

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