Dog Gets Left Behind When Owner Dies, Lives Alone In Empty House For Months

Dog Gets Left Behind When Owner Dies, Lives Alone In Empty House For Months

When Amber's owner passed away, she was left behind to fend for herself. Sadly, the owner's relatives didn't have a plan in place for Amber if her owner passed, and just decided to leave her behind instead of finding her a new home.

New people eventually moved into the home, and the new homeowners didn't want to keep Amber either since they already had other dogs.

Thankfully, the new homeowners did the right thing and contacted Howl Of A Dog for help. They were planning on demolishing the old house and fence and building a new one, and they didn't want Amber to end up on the streets.

Howl Of A Dog came to pick up Amber and now has her safely in their care.

Although they don't know what Amber's previous life was like, they can assume it wasn't great because she was very wary of people and was too afraid to let anyone near her.

She also had no microchip or vet records, so rescuers have no idea if she has ever received professional care before.

They also assume she had been stuck living outside since the backyard had a bunch of old dog houses. She was also covered with thousands of ticks and was diagnosed with Babesiosis, a tick-borne disease.

They gave her a much-needed bath and treated her for the disease.

Thankfully, she is doing much better. But now she needs a loving forever home!

She is three years old, gets along with other dogs, and is very gentle and calm. She is still shy with people she doesn't know, but she eventually warms up to them now.

Although she is currently under care in Romania, she can be adopted out internationally. If you're interested in giving her a loving home, please contact Howl Of A Dog at

Watch her story in the video below:

Ashley McCann

Growing up, Ashley always had a passion for writing. After receiving her Bachelor's in Journalism from Stony Brook University, she dove right into the professional world of content. When she isn't writing, she loves to read, travel, and explore the outdoors with her husband and two dogs.

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