Man Takes Struggling Baby Otter To Cry On The Beach But Mom Doesn't Come Back

Man Takes Struggling Baby Otter To Cry On The Beach But Mom Doesn't Come Back

When we hear an animal struggling, our hearts really go out to them. We want to do anything we can to help, but there are times when it is difficult to do so.

When we do have the opportunity to assist, we often do so with the best of intentions. Sometimes, there is even someone who knows what to do, and they help out with excellent results.

Such was the case with an aquarium worker who heard an animal crying for help. According to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, when he investigated, he found a baby otter making a very sad noise.

The otter should've been with her family, but she was not able to locate them. She just sat there and cried, hoping that she could be reunited.

Fortunately, the man knew how to handle the otter, and he picked her up and took her for a walk. As he went up and down the beach, he allowed the baby otter to cry as much as she wanted so her mother could hear.

Unfortunately, there was no answer to her cries. He feels that the large swells in the ocean probably separated her from her mother and they couldn't get back together again.

He knew exactly what to do about it. He took the baby otter to the aquarium where he worked and started helping her to recuperate.

Now that she was at the aquarium, she began doing better and started helping other young otters so that they could get used to their new home.

Eventually, she was transferred to another aquarium and had the opportunity to work with humans that understood what she needed. They knew that she needed to adapt to her new location, as well as to learn activities that she should be doing, such as swimming in the water and looking for food.

As you would expect from a baby otter, she was getting more playful. She got used to being handled, and when she was sent to the Shedd Aquarium, she cried when they all said goodbye.

Now that she is with her new caregivers, it is a new story. You can see more about it in this video:

Timothy Roberts

I love to write and it keeps me busy. I've been working online, full time since 1999. When you can't find me at the keyboard, you'll find me getting as much as I can out of life. I enjoy living simply, playing games, visiting the beach, and spending time with my family.

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