Teen Athlete Who Beat Leukemia Forms Unbreakable Bond With Donor Who Saved His Life

Teen Athlete Who Beat Leukemia Forms Unbreakable Bond With Donor Who Saved His Life

On Christmas Eve of 2020, Brady Robnett's world was turned upside down when he was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia.

Robnett was living a great life as a teenage athlete from Arkansas, so when he learned of his cancer diagnosis, it shook him to his core.

Due to the type of leukemia he had, he would need a bone marrow transplant in order to be cured, and unfortunately none of his family members were a full match for him.

They feared they would never find a match and that Robnett's leukemia would continue to progress.

Enter Andrew Hahn.

Hahn was in a fraternity called Kappa Sigma, which does a lot of philanthropy events around town. They had just finished a 5k Fun Run supporting pediatric cancer, and Be The Match was there collecting swabs from people who wanted to register to be a bone marrow donor.

Without hesitation, Hahn registered to be a donor and ten months later, he received a call that he was a partial match for someone. After doing secondary testing, he learned that he was actually a full match!

A few weeks later, he hopped on a plane to donate bone marrow to a stranger, who ended up being Robnett.

When Robnett learned that they had found a match for him, he was not only relieved but also grateful that somebody out there was willing to donate their bone marrow in order to save his life.

"Being able to help somebody in such a unique and selfless way, you can't say no to it," Hahn told GMA. "I had no reservation and no second thoughts."

Thanks to Hahn's generosity, Robnett went into remission in August 2021 and was able to ring the bell at his hospital, being declared "cancer-free."

Hahn ended up surprising Robnett at his house, and the two of them were finally able to meet for the first time.

The two of them grew extremely close, and Robnett's mom says she considers Hahn as one of her children now. He is part of their family and they are forever grateful for his selfless act.

Hear more of this heartwarming story in the video below:


Ashley McCann

Growing up, Ashley always had a passion for writing. After receiving her Bachelor's in Journalism from Stony Brook University, she dove right into the professional world of content. When she isn't writing, she loves to read, travel, and explore the outdoors with her husband and two dogs.

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