Forget Boxes. This Cat Prefers The Baby's Bouncer Seat

Forget Boxes. This Cat Prefers The Baby's Bouncer Seat

Most cats love boxes, but there’s one orange tabby, Kermit, who just can’t get enough of his diapered sibling’s bouncer seat.

Kermit's owner, Misty Cook, posted a video of her pet’s unusual hideaway on TikTok, where the quirky feline quickly went viral.

 width= Photo: Pixabay

“He's usually more graceful but yes, he puts himself in the baby toy," Cook captioned her video, which, according to PEOPLE, has already accumulated more than 4.5 million views.

In the video, Kermit briefly struggles to climb into the baby seat, but then the cat quickly snuggles down for a nap--leaving no room at all for the actual baby to squeeze inside.

Watch the video below:

As it turns out, Kermit isn’t the only animal to find comfort in a baby bouncer.

We’ve already written about a pet raccoon named Buri who crawls into a baby bouncer seat whenever he wants a comfortable nap.

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Perhaps it’s fitting, really, that some pets get such enjoyment from baby gear–-because many of us treat our pets like human babies, too.

Plus, kids grow up so quickly. It’s nice to know your dog, cat, or pet raccoon (if you happen to have one) might enjoy that outgrown baby bouncer and other hand-me-down playthings.

Do you have a pet who loves playing with your child's or grandchildren’s toys?

J. Swanson

J. Swanson is a writer, traveler, and animal-enthusiast based in Seattle, an appropriately pet-crazed city where dog or cat ownership even outweighs the number of kids. When the weather permits, she likes to get outside and explore the rest of the Pacific Northwest, always with a coffee in hand.

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