Rescue Crow Thinks He's A Tiny Human

Rescue Crow Thinks He's A Tiny Human

Birds are often seen as not being the brightest. I mean, we have the term "bird brain" to refer to someone who isn't all that smart. But, there are many species of birds who break this stereotype - the crow being one of them.

Crows are actually quite smart and as a result, they can all have their own little personalities. But it's doubtful that any crow out there has as much sass as Friar Tuck, an African pied crow living at the American Eagle Foundation in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

Macey Everett of the American Eagle Foundation shared with GeoBeats Animals Friar Tuck's story, saying that he had come to live at the foundation following a rescue from a pet store because of his age.

But, just because he's a bit of a senior birdy, doesn't mean that he doesn't have quite the personality. According to Everett, Friar Tuck is basically like a little tiny human in bird form.

She said, "Tuck is 17 years old which is very old for an African pied crow. They usually live to be about 20. He very much acts like an older gentleman, to the point like where he doesn't like to come out of his room early in the morning. He likes being the star of everything and he’s also a real ladies man."

Friar Tuck, or just Tuck as many people call him, is both highly intelligent as well as very sociable. Everett is convinced that he sees himself more as a human than as a bird, given that he loves to hang out with humans a lot.

She added, "He just wants to be social with us and doesn’t really want to be social with other birds because he thinks that we are technically part of his little family unit. If we’re calling his name, he knows it and he comes running. He is very intelligent."

Check out the adorable video of Friar Tuck down below:

What do you think of Friar Tuck? Have you ever interacted with a crow before? Let us know!

Anastasia Arellano

Anastasia is an American ex-pat living in Ireland. When she's not writing she can be found wandering the Irish countryside in search of inspiration. You can follow her writing adventures on Twitter @AnastasiaArell5 or Instagram @writeranastasia26

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