Over 100 At-Risk Shelter Pets Have Landed In New Jersey to Find Forever Homes

Over 100 At-Risk Shelter Pets Have Landed In New Jersey to Find Forever Homes

Photo: Good Direction Media

101 at-risk dogs and cats were flown out of overcrowded shelters in Louisiana and landed in Morristown, New Jersey, for a second chance. 

Photo: Greater Good Charities

This life-saving Clear The Shelters Flight was possible thanks to your continued support, Greater Good Charities' Good Flights, Hill's Pet Nutrition, and NBCUniversal Local's Clear the Shelters event. 

Photo: Good Direction Media

Not only will Kyndal, Cinna, and countless other pets quickly find loving homes, but the open kennels will allow the shelters to help even more animals. 

Photo: Greater Good Charities

But that's not all...

A $25,000 check (Thanks in part to your daily clicks at The Animal Rescue Site, and trivia answered on Freekibble) was presented to the receiving shelters to help feed and care for all the animals waiting for homes.
Photo: Greater Good Charities

Animal shelters are overcrowded, especially in southern states, and short on resources. They are in desperate need of support, adopters, and supplies.

Photo: Greater Good Charities

With the increasing price of pet food and care, more pets are being surrendered and many arrive malnourished. Your donations have helped fly highly adoptable dogs and cats out of this dire situation. They will all find loving homes and are forever grateful for your help. 

Photo: Greater Good Charities

Hundreds of shelters are participating in NBCUniversal Local's Clear the Shelters event with lower adoption fees and incentives to encourage people to adopt. The event runs until September 10, so please consider adopting and save more lives.

Photo: Greater Good Charities

Help us fly even more shelter pets to freedom by donating towards September's flight. Just $5 helps cover the fuel costs of flying a pet 125 miles towards safety.

Check out more departure and arrival photos from the flight below.

Photo: Good Direction Media
Photo: Good Direction Media
Photo: Greater Good Charities
Photo: Greater Good Charities
Photo: Greater Good Charities
Photo: Greater Good Charities
Photo: Greater Good Charities
Photo: Greater Good Charities
Photo: Greater Good Charities



Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.

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