Dog Who's Terrified Of Cats Becomes Nanny To Foster Kittens

Dog Who's Terrified Of Cats Becomes Nanny To Foster Kittens

The Beatles were right when they said that all you need is love. It's the power of love that can really make a difference in someone's life - including the lives of animals.

Phoebe the dog was a very scared and timid little pooch when she came into the care of her owner. But with a little love she adjusted, but she was still frightened of a lot of things - including cats.

But Phoebe ended up having to confront her fears when her owner took on some foster kittens, and the change was amazing! Phoebe went from being terrified of cats to becoming "the kitten nanny." Now, it's her turn to spread the love!

According to her story shared on TikTok, her owner stated, "To help her overcome her fear of cats, I started fostering kittens, thinking she'd be less nervous around little ones. She was still very scared of 5 week old kittens. We did a slow and positive introduction, and within a week, she decided she was going to be their momma dog. The transformation was incredible--from a growling dog to giving them her fluffy tummy to sleep in. She loves all the kittens differently, but equally."

Her owner then added that every dog "has a gift," meaning all canines come with a purpose in life.

As she said, "Some become working dogs, your personal comfort dog, your protector, or simply your best friend. Phoebe has found her calling as a nanny dog. This is one of the reasons I can't keep our foster kittens, even though I'd really want least not for a while. Phoebe will help so many more kittens to be dog friendly cats and be adopted by wonderful families."

It would seem that Phoebe has found hers, and it is absolutely adorable! We are so glad she overcame her fear of cats.

Watch the adorable TikTok video down below:

@bordernerd Story of a nanny dog For those new to our story, here's a little background on how Phoebe became the nanny dog to all our foster kittens. She was a timid and scared little pup, who was afraid of anything new, which included cats. To help her overcome her fear of cats, I started fostering kittens, thinking she'd be less nervous around little ones. She was still very scared of 5 week old kittens. We did a slow and positive introduction, and within a week, she decided she was going to be their momma dog. The transformation was incredible--from a growling dog to giving them her fluffy tummy to sleep in. She loves all the kittens differently, but equaly. Each dog has a gift. Some become working dogs, your personal comfort dog, your protector, or simply your best friend. Phoebe has found her calling as a nanny dog. This is one of the reasons I can't keep our foster kittens, even though I'd really want least not for a while. Phoebe will help so many more kittens to be dog friendly cats and be adopted by wonderful families. #WhyWeFoster ♬ Magical Wind - DJ BAI

What do you think of these two best friends? Do your dog and cat get along? Let us know!

Anastasia Arellano

Anastasia is an American ex-pat living in Ireland. When she's not writing she can be found wandering the Irish countryside in search of inspiration. You can follow her writing adventures on Twitter @AnastasiaArell5 or Instagram @writeranastasia26

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