Dog Attacked by Another Dog at Car Lot Needs Our Help to Walk Again Without Pain

Dog Attacked by Another Dog at Car Lot Needs Our Help to Walk Again Without Pain

Photo: Gateway Pet Guardians

Meet Morpheus

This sweet 10-month-old pup was kept as a guard dog along with another intact male and two female dogs at a car lot in Illinois. He was attacked by the other male and surrendered to Gateway Pet Guardians to get the care he needs. 

The rescue was able to convince the owner to not only surrender Morpheus but to also spay and neuter the other three dogs. 

Morpheus was started on medication and his wounds were treated. The medical team realized he was limping and discovered an untreated injury to his front leg. 

Photo: Gateway Pet Guardians

The pup was suffering from a brachial plexus avulsion which tore the nerves in the leg and caused paralysis. The best option was to amputate the leg and prevent further infection and trauma to his body. 

Greater Good Charities' Emergency Animal Medical fund is helping with his medical bills and ongoing care but needs your continued support. Morpheus has a long and expensive road to recovery. 

He shares his name with the Greek god of dreams and Morpheus' dream is to walk and play again without pain.

He is recovering from amputation surgery in a medical foster home and will need months of physical therapy to adjust to life as a tripod.

Even after all that he has been through, Morpheus is a "total love bug" and a favorite among shelter staff.

Photo: Gateway Pet Guardians

Help us raise $4,000 to help him heal and go on to find a loving family. Your gift will not only give him the hope to keep fighting, but your donations will help cover his ongoing care.


Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.

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