Woman Issues Warning After Finding Four Poisonous Spiders In Her Swimming Pool

Woman Issues Warning After Finding Four Poisonous Spiders In Her Swimming Pool

When the weather is hot outside, and you have a pool in your backyard, what do you do? If you are like most people, you put on your bathing suit and jump right in.

Most people don't give any thought to the dangers they may be headed for when they jump into a pool without looking first. After you read this story from New South Wales, however, you will likely be a little more cautious in the future.

Lynda Knight is somebody who has a pool in her backyard, and she has also been dealing with some rainy weather like others in the area.

As she shared on Facebook in the group NSW Snake Catchers, Smith decided to go outside and check the property to make sure everything was okay. When looking at the swimming pool, she noticed there were four Eastern mouse spiders hanging out, and they were still living.

After making the discovery, she put a warning on Facebook. She wants everyone to know how dangerous it could be and why you should always check your pools before jumping in, especially after the rain.

She then goes on to talk about the spiders that were obviously resurrected from the recent rain. She said they were "not to be messed with.

That is actually an understatement because the females are quite venomous. They also have large fangs that you would want to avoid.

According to the Australian Museum, there are some male spiders with a toxic venom that is possibly as dangerous as what you would find with a Sydney Funnel-Web Spider.

The museum continues: "However, few cases of serious envenomation have been reported. Unlike funnel-web spiders, the mouse spider is believed to use less venom and possibly even 'dry bite.'"

Fortunately, anti-venom can often help those who are bitten by a mouse spider.

Then again, it's better not to get bit in the first place. Just keep in mind that they can survive at the bottom of a pool for several hours.

They are able to survive because they don't breathe in the same way as humans. According to 7NEWS.com.au, it takes a lot longer for them to drown.

They said: "Also, hairs on the underside can trap an air bubble. They can survive for several hours and sometimes a thoroughly dead-looking spider can suddenly twitch or come back to life slowly."

Males will often seek out females after it rains. That may be why Smith found so many spiders in her swimming pool.

Timothy Roberts

I love to write and it keeps me busy. I've been working online, full time since 1999. When you can't find me at the keyboard, you'll find me getting as much as I can out of life. I enjoy living simply, playing games, visiting the beach, and spending time with my family.

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