Robot Joins Emperor Penguin Colony In Antarctica

Robot Joins Emperor Penguin Colony In Antarctica

Robots definitely have their uses, and we're seeing them more and more these days. They can be helpful stand-ins for jobs that could pose a risk to human life.

They can also be useful for making advances in the medical field such as improving certain surgeries or replacing missing limbs.

But they can also be convenient when it comes to observing the natural world. Take "Echo" for example.

The small robot has been deployed into a colony of emperor penguins in Antarctica. The emperor penguin colony has seemingly embraced its newest shiny member, who is giving off some R2D2 vibes as it rolls around the ice and snow.

The tiny unmanned robot is the latest effort of scientists to study the exposure of marine ecosystems and all the potential problems associated with climate change.

This is quite crucial, given that climate change is having a very negative effect on the environment, and a better understanding its ramifications can be helpful in preserving species affected by it - like these adorable penguins.

Using Echo is also a great idea because it allows scientists to get critically needed information without being intrusive to the penguin colony.

Furthermore, Echo can work away year-round collecting valuable data - even in bad weather when it would be impossible for humans to work. On top of that, scientists have also shared that a robot amongst the penguins would be less disruptive and have less of an impact on the animals in general.

Luckily enough, it seems that the penguins have taken to their shiny new friend! Check out the video below:

What do you think of the robot amongst the penguins? Let us know!

Anastasia Arellano

Anastasia is an American ex-pat living in Ireland. When she's not writing she can be found wandering the Irish countryside in search of inspiration. You can follow her writing adventures on Twitter @AnastasiaArell5 or Instagram @writeranastasia26

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