Emergency Flight Saves Over 40 Shelter Cats and Opens Kennels for Pets Displaced by Flood

Emergency Flight Saves Over 40 Shelter Cats and Opens Kennels for Pets Displaced by Flood

Photo: Greater Good Charities

In the early morning hours of August 14, over 40 shelter cats were taken from overcrowded shelters and loaded onto an emergency flight in Sioux Falls

Photo: The Animal Rescue Site

Spencer, Iowa, was devastated by a massive flood that destroyed thousands of homes and left countless people and pets homeless. 

People for Pets and the Humane Society of Northwest Iowa opened their doors to displaced pets but quickly ran out of open kennels. 

Photo: Greater Good Charities

This life-saving flight freed dozens of shelter cats who have been waiting months and years for a forever home and flew them to New Jersey for a second chance. It also opened kennels to help people who have lost everything in the flood have a safe place for their pet until they get back on their feet. 

People for Pets' Assistant Director, Steph, was there on the tarmac saying farewell to the felines and was shocked when she saw her face on the side of the airplane. 

Photo: The Animal Rescue Site

She told The Animal Rescue Site team member, Joe, "It's really cool to now see it (daily clicks and FREE actions) in action." 

Steph loves animals, just like you and me, and goes above and beyond for them. She is also a daily clicker at The Animal Rescue Site and plays trivia on FreeKibble.

She witnessed firsthand how her FREE daily actions make a difference.

Photo: Greater Good Charities

Thanks to your generous donations we were was able to send highly adoptable shelter cats to New Jersey to find forever homes. 

Mary Beth, Tommy, Skittles, George, and many more send their thanks and cannot wait to find their special someone. They are all setting in at the receiving shelter, Animal Welfare Association.

Photo: Greater Good Charities

We want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support of these flights which save lives. Animal shelters are overflowing with adoptable dogs and cats, and many are at risk of euthanasia due to lack of space and adopters.

That is why The Animal Rescue Site sponsors a Greater Good Charities' Good Flight (Flight to Freedom) every month - and sometimes more when disasters strike - to give shelter dogs and cats a second chance. Together we CAN make a difference. 

Photo: The Animal Rescue Site
Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.

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