Here's How Your Generous Donations Are Helping Students at the Matènwa School in Haiti

Here's How Your Generous Donations Are Helping Students at the Matènwa School in Haiti

For over 20 years, GreaterGood has been committed to putting changemakers like you in touch with the causes you care about. We've raised over $75 million for various charitable causes and paid more than $50 million to artisans around the world to fairly compensate them for their work. We cannot thank you enough for your contributions, which have made such a difference for people, pets, and the planet.

Friends of Matènwa is one of the many organizations we've partnered with to help people in need, and today we'd like to offer you an update on the ways your generous donations have helped students and their families in Haiti.

 width= Photo: Chris Low, Friends of Matènwa

When the Matènwa Community Learning Center was first built, we helped fund the building of the structure so that classes could be started and students could begin learning to read and write in their own native Creole language, a language not commonly taught in schools there. Teaching kids in the language they know best improves their literacy rates and helps lift their families out of poverty over time by opening up better education and job opportunities for them.

Now that the building has been finished, our annual $60k commitment is largely geared toward funding teacher salaries and other general costs at the upper school. However, our funding also covers some scholarships, school supplies, and other things the students need.

 width= Photo: Wesleyan University

Right now, GreaterGood is partially funding the tuition of two nursing students who attend nursing school in Lagonav. On top of tuition, students must pay for dorm housing, food, transportation, the printing of copies of texts, and required materials for rotations, so the scholarships help greatly reduce their costs and help them finish school.

Melchidaèl Anty is one of the graduates of Matènwa Community Learning Center. She now owns and operates her own beauty salon business. At this time, she is working out of a tent, but she is growing her business and looking forward to a successful future. Here, she is pictured with her mom, Kenia, who is an earring artist who has made some of the jewelry for our stores (examples here).

 width= Photo: Chris Low, Friends of Matènwa

It's very common in Haiti for students to drop out of school before they finish high school because their families cannot afford to send them anymore. Your donations are helping provide school supplies, computer classes, hands-on science labs, and other important learning tools so that students can not only continue coming to school but also thrive there!

"I want to thank Greater Good for supporting our high school," says Chris Low of the Friends of Matènwa. "You made the students’ and families’ wishes come true. They wanted their children to be able to do their high school years in a reputable non-violent learning environment."

 width= Photo: Chris Low, Friends of Matènwa

You may also remember us encouraging you to vote for Matènwa Community Learning Center in a USAID-funded competition for a $150k grant. After winning the grant, Matènwa has begun constructing houses for those in need. We're sad to report that building codes have meant that they have not been able to construct traditional bottle-brick houses, which means the houses are more expensive than anticipated. All the same, however, your free clicks have once again helped create desperately needed resources for those who are struggling.

If you're interested in other ways to help support the people of Haiti, we have several pieces of fair-trade jewelry on our site that were handmade by women living in the area served by Friends of Matènwa. Some of these items may not be restocked, so click the links below and get yours before they're gone!

 width= Photo: Chris Low, Friends of Matènwa

Friends of Matènwa also has a Breakfast Giving Circle, wherein individuals can donate to purchase school breakfasts for students who cannot afford their morning meal. You can click here to become a donor.

Thank you again for your support! However small your contribution may seem, we guarantee it makes a big difference when it gets to the right person.

Elizabeth Morey

Elizabeth Morey graduated summa cum laude from Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, MI, where she dual majored in English Literature and Spanish with minors in Writing and Business Administration. She was a member of the school's Insignis Honors Society and the president of the literary honors society Lambda Iota Tau.

Some of Elizabeth's special interests include Spanish and English linguistics, modern grammar and spelling, and journalism. She has been writing professionally for more than five years and specializes in health topics such as breast cancer, autism, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease. Apart from her work at GreaterGood, she has also written art and culture articles for the Grand Rapids Magazine.

Elizabeth has lived in the beautiful Great Lakes State for most of her life but also loves to travel. She currently resides a short drive away from the dazzling shores of Lake Michigan with her beloved husband.

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