Friendly Golden Retriever Demands Snuggles From Strangers On A Train

Friendly Golden Retriever Demands Snuggles From Strangers On A Train

There really is nothing more wholesome in this world than a dog determined to make friends. That's what's so special about them, it's their ability to befriend perfect strangers and coax a smile out of the most serious of people.

There is one dog, a golden retriever named Hugo, who loves to make new friends.

In fact, Hugo's owner has compiled a very sweet video of her friendly pooch cuddling people on the train.

In the TikTok video, you can see Hugo has no shame about going up to strangers and demanding their attention. He's so friendly and sure of himself, that it makes everyone around him just smile and give in to the cuddles.

Hugo's happiness is so infectious, that the comments section is full of people who've had their day brightened just by watching the wholesome video of this happy pup.

One person wrote in the comments, "I'm gonna need your future departure dates, times and travel routes."

While someone else added, "He is making everybody feel loved, and that's all we humans really want at the end of the day."

That is so very true, and perhaps one of the reasons why dogs make such wonderful companions.

Check out the adorable TikTok video down below:

@hugoandursula Melts my heart 🥰🥰🥰🥰 #goldenretriever ♬ A Thousand Years - Christina Perri

What do you think of Hugo's train antics? Would you love to see a friendly pooch on your commute? Let us know!

Anastasia Arellano

Anastasia is an American ex-pat living in Ireland. When she's not writing she can be found wandering the Irish countryside in search of inspiration. You can follow her writing adventures on Twitter @AnastasiaArell5 or Instagram @writeranastasia26

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