Sick and Neglected Horses Taken in By Oklahoma Rescue Are Finally Getting Care They Need

Sick and Neglected Horses Taken in By Oklahoma Rescue Are Finally Getting Care They Need

Photo: Horse Feathers Equine Center

Your donations of pet supplies through Greater Good Charities’ GOODS Program, daily clicks at The Animal Rescue Site, and playing trivia on FreeKibble are transforming the lives of animals.

Cheri White Owl, founder of Horse Feathers Equine Center in Guthrie, Oklahoma, has been rescuing and rehabilitating equines since 2006. Many arrive sick, malnourished, and in desperate need of care, like Scooter and Lillie.  

Photo: Horse Feathers Equine Center

Cheri has given countless horses a second chance and continues to help those in need. She focuses on a high standard of care and works closely with a local veterinarian and vet students to ensure the horses get the care they need while helping the up-and-coming vets learn as well. 


Scooter, estimated to be between 27-30 years old, arrived emaciated and had not received proper care for a long time. His teeth were examined and cared for before he was started on a proper diet and Boehringer Ingelheim UlcerGard (thanks to your donations). 

Photo: Horse Feathers Equine Center

After months of proper care, the rescue shared, "Scooter is finally turning the corner. We treated him for ulcers with a generous donation of UlcerGard from Greater Good Charities." They went on to say, "He is a sweet character and soon will be introduced to the Old Mans pasture." 

The most recent update on Scooter showed the senior fella grazing on grass as he slowly meets the other horses to see who he will best fit with.


Sweet Lilie arrived at the rescue severely underweight and suffering from pneumonia and they weren't sure if she would survive - but she did. It took many months for the mare to gain weight and regain her health. 

Her teeth were cared for, and her overgrown hooves were trimmed. She remained in quarantine for several weeks but enjoyed all the tasty treats. 

The dedicated rescue team ensured she got all the medicine, care, and love she needed to recover. She also was treated with UlcerGard (that your donations helped provide) as part of her recovery. 

Photo: Horse Feathers Equine Center

The rescue named her Lilie and shared that she immediately responded to her name, "which not many horses do that when they come in." 

She is now living her best life in a pasture where she gets to graze all day and interact with other horses. 

Be sure to follow Horse Feathers Equine Center on Facebook for updates on Scooter and Lilie and to meet more rescued horses. These people are our heroes, and we cannot thank them enough for the lifesaving work they do every day. 

Help provide more essential supplies to horse rescues across the country here

Andrea Powell

Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.

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