Flying Dwarf Squirrels That Live On An Island In Japan Look Like Giant Cotton Balls

Flying Dwarf Squirrels That Live On An Island In Japan Look Like Giant Cotton Balls

When we think of squirrels we probably picture the grey squirrels that frolic about in parks and other green areas of the city. My parents actually have a couple of grey squirrels that live in the elm tree outside their home. There is no denying that the grey squirrels we're used to are pretty cute. They're little, they have those bushy tails, and they are always up to all kinds of silly antics - who else has seen the video of the squirrel caught twirling on the bird feeder?

As quirky and cute as the US squirrels are, they have nothing on the pure adorableness that is the Ezo momonga. Also known as the Japanese dwarf flying squirrel, these little guys are the epitome of charming. But they only live on one of the Japanese islands.

Where are Japanese Squirrels Found?

These guys are native only to the island of Hokkaido. The best thing about these adorable little squirrels is that they can fly - sort of. Even though they're the size of your palm when curled up, they can easily jump from tree to tree, giving them the appearance of "flying."

And their cuteness doesn't stop there. They are known to often hang upside down while they nosh on their food, which consists of tree bark, seeds, and nuts.

What's Their Habitat Like?

These Japanese dwarf flying squirrels live inside holes in either pine trees or spruce trees. And if you ever manage to snap a photo of them poking their heads out, it makes for an insanely delightful picture!

Are Japanese Squirrels Endangered?

While the Japanese dwarf flying squirrels might be a rarity, you'll be happy to know that they're not at all endangered. Quite the opposite - these cuties seem to be flourishing. And we are so happy to hear that. Sorry American grey squirrels, you just got bested in the cuteness department by these little guys!

What do you think of the Japanese dwarf flying squirrels? Let us know!

Anastasia Arellano

Anastasia is an American ex-pat living in Ireland. When she's not writing she can be found wandering the Irish countryside in search of inspiration. You can follow her writing adventures on Twitter @AnastasiaArell5 or Instagram @writeranastasia26

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