Woman Finds Father's Bucket List 13 Years After He Passes Away & Sets Out To Complete It

Woman Finds Father's Bucket List 13 Years After He Passes Away & Sets Out To Complete It

Laura Carney was devastated when her father, Mick, was killed by a distracted driver who ran a red light back in 2003.

Carney was in her early 20s at the time, so she grieved at the thought of her dad missing out on big milestones in her life, such as walking her down the aisle or becoming a grandfather.

But even though he was no longer earthside, Mick still managed to give his daughter the perfect gift right before her wedding.

Carney ended up finding several pages ripped from a spiral notebook that were hidden inside a small, leather pouch that belonged to her father.

On the papers, scribbled in her father's handwriting, was a 60-item long bucket list of things Mick wanted to do in his lifetime that he had written in 1978, the year Carney was born.

One of the first items read "I would like to live a long healthy life, at least to the year 2020," but unfortunately, he passed long before that.

Mick had only checked off five items on his list, so Carney made it her goal to complete his bucket list for him.

By the time the COVID-19 pandemic came around, Carney had managed to complete 31 of the 54 remaining items, including driving a corvette, growing a watermelon, skydiving, sailing, and swimming the river.

She finally completed her dad's bucket list, and even managed to achieve what seemed impossible, like talk with the president and correspond with the pope.

Not only did she successfully complete everything her father initially set out to do, but it took her on a journey around the world and helped her overcome certain fears. It also helped her properly grieve and heal, the greatest gift of all from her father.

She is now writing a memoir titled, "My Father's List: How Living My Dad's Dreams Set Me Free."

Hear more of Carney's story in the video below:


Ashley McCann

Growing up, Ashley always had a passion for writing. After receiving her Bachelor's in Journalism from Stony Brook University, she dove right into the professional world of content. When she isn't writing, she loves to read, travel, and explore the outdoors with her husband and two dogs.

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