Woman Thinks She’s Waiting For A Work Meeting, Then Her Marine Son Walks Through Door

Woman Thinks She’s Waiting For A Work Meeting, Then Her Marine Son Walks Through Door

Marine Corporal Trend Lessard had not seen his mother, Cindy, since his wedding day a year ago.

He tried making plans to visit home to see his family, but COVID-19 got in the way and delayed his plans. Finally, his request to visit home was approved, and Lessard knew he wanted to make it special since it had been so long since he saw his mom.

Everyone who knows Cindy knows just how difficult it is to surprise her, but Lessard was determined to get it done.

With help from his mom's coworkers, Lessard planned a surprise reunion at her place of work in Seattle, Washington.

Cindy thought she was waiting for a work meeting, when all of a sudden her beloved son walked in the door.

It's safe to say that Lessard pulled off a successful surprise!

Cindy was shocked to see her son, gave him a huge hug and couldn't hold back tears. She was so relieved to finally have her son back in her arms after an entire year apart.

"It's just you read about this or see it, but you never think it's going to happen to you," Cindy told USA Today. "So when it did, I was like blown away. I was crying. I was so excited, so excited to see him."

Lessard and Cindy have an extremely close relationship, but their story is a very unique one.

Cindy and her first husband were unable to conceive, so they started weighing their options. When a pregnant woman walked into the clinic where Cindy was working, looking to give her baby up for adoption, Cindy thought it was fate.

Sadly, Cindy's husband ended up passing away before the adoption was complete, which meant she had to re-apply to adopt a child as a single mother.

Although it took five years for the adoption to be finalized, Cindy was finally able to call Trent her own.

The two of them have been inseparable ever since.

Watch their surprise reunion in the video below:


Ashley McCann

Growing up, Ashley always had a passion for writing. After receiving her Bachelor's in Journalism from Stony Brook University, she dove right into the professional world of content. When she isn't writing, she loves to read, travel, and explore the outdoors with her husband and two dogs.

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