Army Mom Surprises 8-Year-Old Daughter At School After 14 Months Apart

Army Mom Surprises 8-Year-Old Daughter At School After 14 Months Apart

Army Sergeant Lilibeth Contreras had been deployed in South Korea for over a year, which means she had to be apart from her beloved daughter, Nikole.

Contreras is an immigrant from Venezuela and believes it’s her purpose to serve the United States, but the only drawback is the time spent away from her daughter.

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While they're apart, the two stay in touch with video calls, and Contreras gave her an Army bear for her to cuddle when she misses her mom.

"It's been a rough time not being able to spend as much time with her," Contreras told wbaltv. "She's my reason for everything, she's my reason to push forward. I want her to be strong when she grows up, I want her to know that she's capable of achieving anything that she wants."

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The 14 long months apart was extremely hard on the both of them, so when it was finally time for Contreras to return home, she knew she wanted to plan a special surprise for her daughter on her last day of school.

Eight-year-old Nikole Carvajal, who is in the second grade, thought she and her classmates were just gathering around to meet one of their favorite authors. Little did she know, she was about to receive the surprise of a lifetime.

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Instead of her favorite author walking out, it ended up being her mom.

Nikole was so surprised and happy to see her mom, who she says she missed so much. She gave her a huge hug and couldn't stop smiling.

Contreras will get to be home for a month with her daughter, before she has to deploy to Germany.

Watch their heartwarming reunion in the video below:

Ashley McCann

Growing up, Ashley always had a passion for writing. After receiving her Bachelor's in Journalism from Stony Brook University, she dove right into the professional world of content. When she isn't writing, she loves to read, travel, and explore the outdoors with her husband and two dogs.

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