Stray Cat Refuses to Leave Yard After Spotting Pet Cat Through Screen Door

Stray Cat Refuses to Leave Yard After Spotting Pet Cat Through Screen Door

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

She was hiding in our backyard after being chased by a teenager for hours.

She spotted my cat Binky through the screen door. There on the back porch is where she stayed.


She wouldn't let us come near her, but she wouldn't leave Binky. We have lots of wild animals around our neighborhood and had a severe storm coming in the next day. We couldn't leave her out.

We opened the door and hid as she creeped into the house. We closed the door and herded her into the back bedroom. She found a hole under a box to hide in. She would come out whenever Binky would come in.

She knew how to use a cat pan and did not lack an appetite. I sat with her most of the day, every day, for over a month. She worked up to playing near me. At the end of that time, I could touch her, but not love her.


We then opened the whole house to her. Within a couple of weeks, she would want loving whenever she woke up. She's become a very bright spot in our lives. Binky has taught her how to be a cat. We love her so much. We called her Anastasia Roamed Enough, or Ana for short. She is finally safe and home.

Story submitted by Kathy Jennings.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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