The Story of a Little Calico Who Had a Short Life 'But Burned Bright'

The Story of a Little Calico Who Had a Short Life 'But Burned Bright'

Photo: Mickey

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

One night, I briefly stopped off at the pet rescue facility where I volunteer. A family brought in a tiny longhaired calico.

The kitten had followed the mailman around, crying for attention. Neither the mailman nor this family could find her home, so the family was seeking a rescue. Our rescue only uses foster homes and has a process to enroll new pets, but I watched the little kitten charging around our rescue office, fearlessly meowing and exploring, I knew she was going home with me!


Calico was an eight week old ball of energy and excitement amidst our adult indoor-only cats! After about a year, she had a small break in her front left leg with complications, so sadly it had to be amputated, but our petite tripod beauty recovered and adapted immediately.

By age 3, she was diagnosed with kidney issues. She was a trooper and had an awesome veterinarian team and compassionate vet staff. During hospitalization for failed appetite, the vet and I began to discuss euthanasia, but we were interrupted by a technician who reported Calico started to eat.

"I guess she knew we were talking about her future,” laughed our vet!

She rebounded and enjoyed every moment, from wet food to a good nap in a sunbeam. Calico went over the Rainbow Bridge two days ago, where she is certainly playing enthusiastically!

Photo: Mickey from Kennewick, WA

In her four years of life, Calico was, as our vet described, a short life "but burned bright while she was here". She was beautiful, loving, fearless, accepting and endlessly a joy to be around. Every morning and evening, our kitties each get a teaspoon of wet food as a treat, and Calico was always leading the herd with her happy dance - and when she heard the sound of the lid coming off the can, she exploded into terrific meows and dancing until her treat got into her bowl. She loved every bite of it, even when it was renal food.

I would watch her and remember the quote by Emerson, "Nothing great is ever achieved without enthusiasm."

Story submitted by Mickey from Kennewick, Washington.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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