Elmer's Glue

Elmer's Glue

This story was originally shared TheAnimalRescueSite.GreaterGood.com. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

About 8 years ago, I was looking on a Pit Bull rescue site when I came across a heartbreaking story. This particular website was listing the story as a courtesy for another rescue organization on Long Island. As I read the story, my heart broke a million times.

 width=PHOTO: Chrissy

The story told about an adorable little Pit Bull puppy. This little guy was only 4 weeks old.

Somehow, teenagers acquired him from a breeder and according to witnesses, they say the teens kept shaking him over and over so he couldn't sleep, they were throwing him up in the air, then back & forth to each other, and the worst... they poured hot glue from a glue gun onto both of his front paws as he screamed.

Once again, this baby was only 4 weeks old. He shouldn't have even been away from his mother at that young age.

A girlfriend of one of the teenagers felt sorry for the baby and stole him from the crowd of teens. She brought him to her house but her mother wouldn't let her keep him and he was in bad shape anyway.

He was undernourished, his paws were badly burned and infected, and he was barely clinging to life. She didn't know what to do, so she brought him to a rescue group.

It took weeks, but they cared for his wounds and got him healthy. He had horrible scars from the hot glue but he was alive and doing really well. I called the rescue group and asked if I could adopt him. I just had to make sure this baby never suffered again.


The rescue group brought him to visit me and when they saw what a great life he would have on my 5-1/2 acres of property, they agreed to leave him with me right then. I asked what his name was. The woman said "Elmer." I thought that was a cute name, but she further explained that because of his glue incident, she thought it was the perfect name.

Elmer is the love of my life.

Story submitted by Chrissy of Brewster, New York.

Elmer's story was originally shared on theanimalrescuesite.greatergood.com. Share your very own rescue story here!

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