Scruffy-Looking, Wary Gray Cat Named 'Grand Papa' Takes Up Residence in Family's Yard

Scruffy-Looking, Wary Gray Cat Named 'Grand Papa' Takes Up Residence in Family's Yard

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

Grand Papa showed up at our house about a year ago. At the time, we were still feeding four feral female cats, and we had our three boys that were inside/outside cats (all rescues and all spayed and neutered).

When this lovely gray boy showed up, he was skinny, extremely scruffy-looking, and very leery of letting us too near him. For the next year, we continued to put food out for him, but he would not let us touch him.


From his head to his shoulders, he looked sleek and had a beautiful gray color, but from there back to his tail, he had a tattered brownish look to his fur. His fur was semi-matted and looked dead. He also has an injured back leg that he does not use much.

I started keeping all my boys inside so they wouldn't bother him, and our little feral cats are now gone. He is now the only outside cat we have left, and a few months ago we had a breakthrough. I took him out a special treat of chicken. As I gave him a few bites at a time, he slowly had to come closer and closer to me. I finally took a long piece of chicken and held it out to him in my hand.

He grabbed it, and then I got the shock of my life when he head butted me. From that moment on, we were able to pet him. Not only did he fill out from all the good cat food, but his fur became healthy-looking again from the petting. He will now greet us whenever we come outside. When we put the food down, he requires us to pet him before he will eat.

Photo: Anonymous user from Belpre, OH

I don't know if he will ever become an inside cat, but he knows there will always be food and shelter available to him, and he has chosen to call our home his home and we couldn't be happier.

Story submitted by an anonymous user from Belpre, Ohio.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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