Terrified Breeding Dog Discarded By Owners, Makes a Transformation After Finding Safe Home

Terrified Breeding Dog Discarded By Owners, Makes a Transformation After Finding Safe Home

Tony Rimmer

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

She appeared on the pathway in front of my dog Jack and me, on a dark and rainy night while we walked in a local country park. As we approached her, I was struck by how bad she smelled.

I stroked her and stood looking around for an owner. There wasn't one, so I turned on my flashlight and immediately saw that she was in a dreadful state. She was filthy with matted fur and a holly branch stuck to her. Her eyes were begging for help, so I encouraged her to come along.


She followed us for the mile back to my car. She was terrified but seemed to understand that I wanted to help her. The next day, I reported finding her to the local dog warden (which is the law in the UK), but I told them I would keep her until they located the owners.

Photo: Tony Rimmer

We took her to the groomers, where it took five wash and rinses to get her clean, followed by a trip to the vet's. She had long standing ear infections, two tumors in her teats, a tumor on her head, she wasn't spayed, and had a piece of wood lodged between her teeth and embedded in her gum.

Over the next week, we had everything sorted and my wife named her Holly, after the branch and because it was Christmas.

We'll never know for certain, but we think Holly had been a puppy farm dog, used to breed until she was too old, then discarded. She wasn't chipped or tagged. She is a timid dog, but Jack is bringing out her inner puppy day by day. We've started to train her (she didn't even know "sit"), but even now, she hasn't ever barked, cried or whined.

Photo: Tony Rimmer

I've never known such a loving and gentle dog as Holly. Sweet isn't a good enough word, considering all she's been through. She has changed our lives and however many years she has left, she'll spend them in a loving home with us and the rest of our two- and four-legged family.

Story submitted by Tony Rimmer from Manchester, United Kingdom.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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