Rescued Again and Again

Rescued Again and Again

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We rescued a 5-month-old puppy named Harley, but soon decided she needed a friend, so we went to the adoption day at a local shelter. I had just coaxed a lap sized little fellow out to let me pat him when, fate stepped in.


A family brought in this gigantic, 145 pound, 6-year-old dog to be surrendered. My stomach turned, my eyes welled up, I stared in blatant disbelief.

A volunteer saw me watching. She explained that they had originally found "Jed" and his sister as puppies, in a bag, tossed out the window of a moving car! Both puppies were in such bad shape that one vet wanted to put them down!

Luckily a second vet saved them, eventually both were adopted. That should have been happily ever after. But no. I heard the volunteers tell his "family" that in all likelihood Jed would live out his life in a cage at their shelter. Did they realize, did they understand?

I still had the little dog on my lap, tears were streaming down my face, knew in my heart that giant dog Jed was “my dog”.

Earlier I'd been told they had other applications on the little dog; he'd get a home. We might be Jed's last hope. My husband was on board, and the shelter volunteers cried all over again when they realized Jed had a new family before his old one left the building.

 width=PHOTO: Anita

Jed was the very best dog we could have asked for, gentle, sweet and loving, wanting nothing more than to be pet. He loved treats and walks, naps in our bed, sometimes stubborn, with the silkiest ears.

He and Harley were glued at the hip, such great friends! We were a family for 5 years, nearly to the day, when we regretfully had to say goodbye to him last month. We held him to his last breath so that he with no doubt knew that in the end he really did find a forever family.

We all miss him dearly, especially Harley.

Story submitted by Anita of Commerce, Michigan.

Jed's story was originally shared on Share your very own rescue story here!

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