Katie Miracle's Journey Into Life

Katie Miracle's Journey Into Life

These stories were originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

In 2001 ‘Miracle’ was born in a tiny cage along with 6 siblings in a ‘Florida Puppy Mill’. When the owners returned the next morning, Miracle was the only surviving puppy in that cage.


Miracle’s mother, in a state of stress and anxiety, had attacked and killed her siblings and had begun her rage on Miracle by chewing her ear off. The owners took tiny Miracle to a Vet who re-attached the ear. Miracle would never again hear out of that ear.

Miracle was now ‘damaged goods’ and kept only for breeding. Miracle, along with the other females were taken to a ‘Less than Credible’ Veterinarian, who de-vocalized (cutting the vocal cords) each cocker to keep the noise level down in the mill. Miracle would never again have a voice.

After two years of bearing litters, it was deemed that Miracle was now ‘used up’. She was scheduled for Euthanasia with the same ‘less than credible’ Veterinarian.

Miracle was lucky; she had The Cockers Rescue Org. Through their efforts they saved Miracle along with the remaining cockers scheduled for euthanasia. We found ‘Cockers Rescue’ and contacted them.

Each cocker spaniel had stories of tragedies and triumphs’, but Miracle’s story touched our hearts.

 width=PHOTO: Sherry Lee

We decided to call her Katie, leaving the remnants of her past with Miracle.

Katie was nervous when we got home. She seemed lost and afraid. She tried getting under tables, beds, etc. Katie had only been accustomed to being caged or crated. We felt the need buy a crate. We kept the crate in the living room with the door open at all times. Katie eventually never went back in.

We never asked anything of Katie, but in return, she gave us everything. She will forever be the shining star in our memories.

Goodbye Katie ~ you are loved.

All too frequently, mill animals face the horrific environment and treatment Miracle endured. Many of them do not end up getting rescued. Please, as a friendly reminder, adopt and don't shop. Let us try to end the terrible milling cycle. No living being deserves that kind of life.

Story submitted by Sherry Lee of Rossville, Georgia.

Love rescue stories? Keep reading!

Cody's New Life

We just had two dogs pass in three weeks, 10-year-old from bone cancer and 11-year-old from a massive stroke. We were just devastated.

We were informed about a male German Shepard at our local pound that was running out of time. I went to the shelter and adopted him sight unseen. When the vet tech brought him to me from the infirmary, I just about fell over from shock. Here was an 18-month-old GSD that weighed 40 pounds and had over 38 bite marks on his head and neck. One ear was shorter than the other, and the vet could see the bite marks on the scar tissue. Obviously Cody had been attacked as a puppy and again right before he was dumped at the pound.

The first two months were very difficult. Cody had numerous medical problems and he would not eat. I cooked so many homemade meals it became routine. After about four months, we started to see Cody’s real personality. He started eating but was still uncomfortable with basic situations. Riding in the car was a real challenge. He would glue himself to the floorboard.

After several months we rescued a rottie girl, and that helped Cody gain the confidence he has today. Our fur babies are very bonded. Cody weighs approximately 100 pounds and does not worry about his past. Riding in the car has also changed. When it is bye-bye time, it is a race to see who gets in the truck/car first.


It was a ruff start for Cody. However, he has become the most loving and loyal fur baby. His little sister, Rayne Marie, is very bonded with him.

It was an upward climb, but it was totally worth every challenge and trial we went through with both dogs. Our fur babies are healthy, happy and very much loved. There is a saying that someone’s trash is another person’s treasure. Our treasures are named Cody and Rayne.

Story submitted by Marlaina L. from Lancaster, California.

Here's one more tale of a rescued pooch!

Bandit Ran for His Life

One lazy afternoon, my little dog Patsy and I were chilling on our back yard patio when we were surprised by a visitor. A small dog appeared and started playing with Patsy. I knew he did not belong to a neighbor, so I investigated to find his owner. After posting his picture online, I discovered that his owner was a sailor who lived in a houseboat on a creek about two miles down the road, so I returned him.

A few days later, I was shocked when the little dog returned. I couldn't believe he had found us again. This time, when I took the dog back to his owner, I talked with him and learned that he was about 7-years-old. I became aware that the dog was not being properly cared for. I offered to take the dog to the vet for a checkup and to pay for his shots, which I did. I offered to buy the dog but the owner declined. The owner assured me that he would do a better job of taking care of the dog.


Several days later, the pitiful dog reappeared in my backyard, wet and muddy from the rain and shivering from the cold. When he saw me, he ran and jumped into my arms and we both cried. This time, the owner came to my house to pick him up and I had to let him go. But thankfully the next day, the owner brought him back to me, along with his bed and blanket, and told me I could keep him. It was one of the happiest days of my life. So, I named him Bandit because by choosing Patsy and me for his forever family, he had stolen my heart.

Story submitted by Mary Taylor in Oriental, North Carolina.

Katie's, Cody's, and Bandit's stories were originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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