After Barn Cat Gets Kicked Out By Bigger Cat, He Finds a Warmer, Safer Home

After Barn Cat Gets Kicked Out By Bigger Cat, He Finds a Warmer, Safer Home

Roger Randolph

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

A few years ago, one of my coworkers noticed a tuxedo cat at the back of the shop at work. I slowly approached him, but when I got within a few feet from him, he'd back away.

He showed up every day early in the morning, so I started bringing in dry and wet cat food for him. After a few weeks, I inquired at a farm nearby to see if he belonged to them.


The farmer told me it sounded like "Shoes". An alpha grey male in the barn "kicked him out". The farmer wanted to bring him indoors, but his wife refused.

I kept feeding him daily, even making the hour-long trip in on weekends to see he was fed.

After a number of weeks, and with the weather getting a lot colder, I was finally able to get him into a live trap. Taking him to our vet immediately, he got a clean bill of health. The vet said he was maybe a year old at most.

He now resides in our home along with his "girlfriend" named Holly. She is about the same age and a beautiful little tuxedo rescue cat, as well. They are always together, and he grooms her daily. And, as they are both black and white, we call them our little squad cars.

Photo: Roger Randolph

I can't imagine my life without him, and I'm sure he's glad to have found his forever home.

Story submitted by Roger Randolph from Hartford, Wisconsin.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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