Kitten Suffers Serious Injuries After Being Run Over, But She Learns to Walk - and Run - Again

Kitten Suffers Serious Injuries After Being Run Over, But She Learns to Walk - and Run - Again

Deborah Gregory

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

My mate and I were out shopping in October when there was a sudden rainstorm. We pulled into a grocery store parking lot and saw a poor 2 month old kitten lying in a shallow crack in the pavement. She was soaking wet, cold, and obviously badly hurt.

We picked her up and drove to our vet. We thought that she couldn't possibly survive being run over and that we would have to euthanize her. The vet examined her, and asked if we were willing to keep and care for a special needs cat. We were.


It was not clear what internal injuries she had, or how badly she would be crippled. An x-ray showed that her pelvis was crushed. Her rear legs were not attached to anything. One rear leg had some feeling, but the other showed no reflexes at all. One front leg was broken into three pieces. Her tail was folded completely in half. She was deeply in shock.

We think that when she was caught in the rain, she tried to hunker down into the crack in the pavement. That was enough to keep her from being completely crushed when she was run over. The vet casted her broken leg and we brought her home.

At first, she stayed in a basket next to us every second. A month later, she sat up! She started pulling herself around with her good arm and used a pad as a litter box. After two months, we had the cast removed. We were hoping her front leg would support her weight and the one rear leg would work.

Photo: Deborah Gregory

On the first day she crawled; the second day, she walked clumsily. The third day, she crawled into the litter box. Then she ran. Then she walked up the steps. Then she ran up the steps! I did physical therapy three times a day on the paralyzed leg, and she learned to walk on it correctly.

We are so proud of our brave and tough little soldier! We named her Med, and we love her dearly!

Story submitted by Deborah Gregory from Glasgow, Montana.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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