Filthy Abandoned Kitten Climbs Into Clean Clothes in Laundry Room

Filthy Abandoned Kitten Climbs Into Clean Clothes in Laundry Room

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

We had just lost one of our cats, Panda, to a heart defect and were not even looking for a cat. My neighbor was doing laundry in our communal laundry room and saw a sodden ball of gray fur hovering around the building.

He approached her, and she climbed into his clean laundry. Because he already had two cats, he asked if perhaps I could take her in until the animal shelter opened on Monday. She spent that weekend on my enclosed porch, since she was flea-infested and had ear mites, but I gave her food and water and a litterbox, and a shoebox with an old towel to sleep in.


That first day, I watched her get into the box and start to fall asleep sitting up, before jerking awake almost instantly. So I scooped her up (all two pounds of her) and held her on my lap. She slept there for three hours straight.

That Monday, I took her to the vet, who told us she was probably around 4 months old and had been homeless for at least a month to six weeks. He gave her her shots, got rid of the fleas and mites, and gave us some medicine to settle her tummy, and then home we went.

We had to get her weight up before we could spay her, but that came soon enough. That night, my daughter suggested we name her Anastasia. I said that it was a long name for such a little kitten and that her name would come to us, but she was a lucky cat. And thus, Miss Damn Lucky, Evil Demon Princess Kitten (Lucky for Short), became part of the family.

Photo: Anonymous user from Pulaski, TN

That was eight years ago. Now she's fat, sassy, and has the most gorgeous green eyes.

And she sings.

Story submitted by an anonymous user from Pulaski, Tennessee. 

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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