Little Gray Kitten Crashes a Family's Walk with Their Dog

Little Gray Kitten Crashes a Family's Walk with Their Dog

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

One fall day, we went to a trail near the local humane society to walk our dog. Hopping out of the Jeep, I spotted two of the biggest blue eyes peeking out of the brush. When I walked over, this little grey cat ran away. It's then I noticed he was nearly bald from his armpits down. A sunny day brought many dog walkers, and I could not find this little thing again.

We went for our walk, then I visited the humane society. The girl at the desk said she wasn't able to help when I asked for a live trap. So, we went home, but I could not get the cat out of my mind. It was getting cold, and obviously he wasn't in great health.


I returned around dusk, shaking food and calling out. Miraculously, within minutes, he appeared. Although a little timid, he held his ground as I put the food down, and he ate ravenously. He didn't mind when I picked him up and put him in a box. What a tame cat to be in the middle of nowhere.

While I kept him in our garage until I could take him to the vet, he would make the most adorable continuous plea for constant food. I named him Oliver after the hungry Oliver Twist. But, having three other rescue cats and a dog, I had no more room.

At the vet, we had a check-up, shots and an appointment for neutering/chipping. It was then I learned 4-pound Oliver was actually sweet Olive. I kept her until her hair grew in because who would want a semi-hairless cat? And did her hair ever grow. She even has hair between her toes!


I was smitten. My parents had laughed and later told me they knew she was mine from day one. And I guess I knew that, too. Such an adorable cat. And she still makes that funny little plea when it's food time. My sister jokes 'Everyone Loves Olive'. And it's true. She is a wonderful addition to our all-rescued female fur family of (now) eight.

Story submitted by B. Cummings from Kitchener, Canada.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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