Please Don't Shoot Me

Please Don't Shoot Me

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I heard about Ollie from my son-in-law. The people that had him had abused and neglected him to the point that he was almost dead so they were just going to take him out and just shoot him. My heart went out to this little teacup Yorkie.

 width=PHOTO: Jaynee

When I went to see him he was laying on a dirty old towel in their garage with no food or water. It was the middle of summer and must have been at least 110 in that garage. Ollie was just laying there waiting to die.

His hip was broken, he was malnourished and dehydrated, and had sores all over him. He was so afraid of people you couldn't even reach your hand toward him without him whining and crying.

I very gently picked him up and took him to my vets. He needed surgery for his broken hip, IV's to feed and hydrate him and antibiotics for all his wounds.

After several weeks in the hospital I brought him home. Ollie now weighs 3 pounds, has a round little tummy and is spoiled rotten. He sleeps on my bed with me, has unlimited access to food and water, and has more toys that most kids do.


He is so very sweet and loving and very generous with his kisses. Ollie is still skittish around strangers and he has his issues, but we're working on them.

He's a very much a mamas boy and has brought me so much joy I can't imagine my life without this wonderful little boy.

Story submitted by Ronnie of Jaynee, Oklahoma.

Ollie's story was originally shared on Share your very own rescue story here!

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