Rescuing Ranger

Rescuing Ranger

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Ranger and his friend, Lily, must have suffered greatly before help finally came.

 width=PHOTO: Tracy Campion

For more than two years, two emaciated dogs struggled to survive. Ranger and his friend, Lily, lived in filthy outdoor kennels. Their floor was covered in feces. They couldn’t remember the last time their person had pet them – or even the last kind word they’d heard.

Their ribs, spine, and hipbones showed from infrequent meals. And when they were fed, their owner threw kibble onto the feces-covered dirt floor.

Ranger and Lily had once been loved, but after one of their owners passed away, their other owner badly neglected them. They must have wondered what they had done to deserve such awful treatment.

One day, the Marysville, Washington Police Department was dispatched to a call about two neglected dogs. When they saw Ranger and Lily, the dogs were seized immediately. Their owner was issued a criminal citation for two counts of second degree animal cruelty.

Lily, a sheep dog mix, appeared to be black. We later found that she was white: her matted fur was discolored with feces. Lily’s muzzle was also raw and infected. Ranger, a black lab, had an open sore on his pelvis and a tumor on his foot.


The dogs were taken to an emergency veterinary clinic and received immediate care. Pasado’s Safe Haven transported them to a veterinary clinic for long-term care. Thanks to the Marysville Police Department’s swift action, Ranger and Lily made a full recovery.

In July, their owner pled guilty to one of two counts of animal cruelty.

Lily found a new home. Ranger is still at Pasado’s sanctuary in Sultan, Washington, waiting to find a loving family. Can you help write his happy ending?

Story submitted by Tracy Campion of Sultan, Washington.

Ranger's story was originally shared on Share your very own rescue story here!

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