Woman Adopts Her First Dog, Who's a Bit of a Mess at First

Woman Adopts Her First Dog, Who's a Bit of a Mess at First

Photo: Brittany

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

One summer, we decided to fence in our front yard. I was ecstatic! That meant I could get a dog. I spent the better part of May, June, and July looking for a pup at our local shelter. I also combed through Petfinder, trying to find the perfect dog.

I had finally found a male pup at a shelter, gone in, and done all the paperwork. However, I was denied. Our fence wasn't completely up yet, and I didn't have any vet references because I had never owned my own dog before. I was devastated and gave up there for a little while.


In August, I was visiting my grandparents for my birthday weekend. A friend of mine had Facebooked me, telling me that two dogs had been dumped on her road, a bigger female and a smaller male pup. She was going to keep the pup but couldn't keep the female. If no one wanted her, she'd be making a trip to the shelter.

I drove over a few days later to look at her, at least to see what her temperament was like and to see if we'd get along. Just as soon as I got out of the car, she started barking and snarling, like I was the bad guy! She was about a year old, a boxer/hound mix, thin, and covered in fleas.

She wouldn't even let me pet her, so I was not sure I wanted to take her. My friend told me to give her a chance and at least take her home for one night.

Photo: Brittany from Nacogdoches, TX

That was three years ago, and I couldn't be happier. She has turned out to be the love of my life! She's smart, well-behaved, picky, and spoiled. She is my constant companion, and every night, before we hunker down in bed, I tell her how grateful I am that she let me be her momma.

Story submitted by Brittany from Nacogdoches, Texas.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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