Sasha, The Survivor

Sasha, The Survivor

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Our business is located next to a vacant building that once housed our little town's first hospital. In the spring of 2008, the building was in a state of serious state of disrepair, windows broken and doors ajar. It was a makeshift refuge for homeless people and many of the feral cats in the neighborhood.


One Friday afternoon, I noticed a familiar neighborhood feral sunning herself behind the building and as I watched, I spotted 2 tiny kittens come out the back door of the building and join her in the sun.

They were so small that they were stumbling as they walked. That evening, I made sure that extra food was out in our feral feeding station before I left.

Monday morning I returned to work and was horrified to see that after SO many years of neglect, all the windows had been boarded shut and momma cat was at the back door alone, crying her heart out.

Four days and many calls to the local authorities and the building's owner later, I was able to get into the building with traps and food. Sasha was into a trap within about 2 hours, her brother was not rescued for several more hours.

 width=PHOTO: Demitria McDuff/DimaLynn

Sasha and her brother were only about 3 weeks old, she survived but her precious little brother passed away 2 days after I rescued them.

Today Sasha is a huge, healthy, furry beauty who still retains many of her feral ways but is an endless source of joy to our family. Her spirit is as strong and indomitable as it was when she survived her ordeal at just a few weeks old and we are so blessed to share her life with her.

Story submitted by Demitria McDuff of Chickasha, PA.

Sasha's story was originally shared on Share your very own rescue story here!

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