Cat Sisters Both Stop Eating at Shelter, and Volunteer Can't Help But Bring Them Both Home

Cat Sisters Both Stop Eating at Shelter, and Volunteer Can't Help But Bring Them Both Home

Photo: Holly

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

I volunteered at the SPCA with the cats. I would come in once a week to help feed them, clean their cages, and play with them. I always looked forward to it, as I became so close with them all.

One week, I entered a new room that was off limits to the public because the cats were sick with a cold. As I continued my morning routine, I noticed one cat would rub against the cage and meow, but no sound came out. After I left, I felt so heartbroken because she wanted so much love, but nobody could hear her meow.


Each week, I would take her out and she would jump on my lap and rub against my arms, face and sometimes nip my chin. Each time I placed her back in her cage, a sadness swept over me. I desperately tried to convince myself that she would get adopted soon and everything would be okay.

I returned the following week and noticed on her charts that she wasn't eating much. I went to get her the tastiest food I could find, and she would lick a bit, but not much. That day, I decided that I had to adopt her.

Since she was quarantined, I had to wait until she was healthy. I put in my application and checked every day to see if she was put on the adoption list. Finally, she was. I came in immediately with my mom.

One of the other cats in that room had caught my attention as well, but I had to put my Naddy (calico) first. Unbeknownst to me, she was Naddy's sister and they wondered if we were willing to put them together because both had stopped eating recently. My mom fell in love with her sister (white calico) and we decided to take them both.

Photo: Holly from Fredericton, Canada

They are so loving, loyal, silly, sweet and spontaneous, and everyone who visits gets a cat on their lap or a show of them playing. Shelter cats truly make the best pets!

Story submitted by Holly from Fredericton, Canada.

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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