Two Inseparable Strays, One Friendly and One Feral, Take Up Residence on Cat Owner's Property

Two Inseparable Strays, One Friendly and One Feral, Take Up Residence on Cat Owner's Property

Photo: Jude

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

Snowman, a black cat, and Reynolds, an orange and white cat, appeared as a pair of strays at my door seven years ago. Reynolds was incredibly friendly; Snowman a pure feral. They were obviously "together". There was no question they'd adopted me almost immediately.

Reynolds happily switched to being an indoor / outdoor cat. He got on fine with my four indoor cats, and he even seemed to love going to the vet. Snowman stayed firmly feral (thankfully, she had been part of a trap-neuter-release program).


I made sleeping nests for them on a back porch that they could access but my indoor cats couldn't, and that's where they were fed every day and sheltered in winter.

Whenever Reynolds would come into the house, Snowman would wait for him on the back porch. If you were in the garden, Reynolds would immediately come to you, and Snowman would sit 10 or 20 feet back and yell at him until he came back to her side. If he stayed in the house overnight, sometimes in the morning he'd cry by the door to go out. As soon as he checked whether Snowman had fresh food and water and was okay, he'd demand to come right back in again and head back to the bed. Outside, they were inseparable.

Sadly, Reynolds suddenly passed away about a year ago. He was around 6 or 7 and had a heart attack in the night. Despite getting to the vet within 20 minutes, he had blood clots and there was nothing they could do.

Photo: Jude from Ann Arbor, MI

Snowman, much to my surprise, has stayed at the house. For the first six months, she cried for him every day, sitting by the back door. Now, she only does that very occasionally and just hangs out in the garden and on her porch. In all these years, despite my many efforts, I have never gotten closer to her than three feet, let alone been able to touch her. But I feed her every day, keep her sleeping areas clean and cozy, and I'm sure we both miss Reynolds as much as each other.

Story submitted by Jude from Ann Arbor, Michigan.. 

This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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