Take Care of Them

Take Care of Them


This story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Submit your own rescue story here. Your story just might be the next to be featured on our blog!

I first saw Tabby Tail as he herded his family - a mama and five kittens - into the bushes by my front porch. After settling them, he came up on the porch and ate from the cat food and water kept there for ferals. He stared at me and then turned back to the bushes. I could almost hear him saying, "They need food." I put food and water near the bushes right away.

As the days passed, I realized this big cat was taking care of the family. The mother cat’s foot was injured and she moved too slowly to corral her kittens. Tabby Tail never left them, watching over them and making sure everything was safe. Soon he began bringing the family up on the porch for me to see. Again, I felt like I could hear him talking to me: "This is my family. I want you to take care of them."

When he - and they - seemed ready, I opened my front door and invited them in. He led the way, standing just inside the door until the kittens and the limping mama were inside. I planned to give them away to others who would love them. But, again, it seemed I could hear Tabby Tail: "We are a family. Let us stay." I did.


The sweet mama, now named Lilypet, recovered from her broken foot; the kittens grew into happy adults. Tabby Tail watched over them for the rest of his life. He died last year, seven years after coming inside. When he became ill, his cat family stayed by his side. As we said good-bye, I thought I could hear his words one last time. "I am tired. Take care of them for me." I will, Tabby Tail, I will.

Story submitted by an anonymous user from Westerville, Ohio. Tabby Tail's story was originally shared on The Animal Rescue Site. Share your very own rescue story here!

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