More Than 40 At-Risk Dogs to Be Flown From Overcrowded Shelters to a Better Future, You Can Help

More Than 40 At-Risk Dogs to Be Flown From Overcrowded Shelters to a Better Future, You Can Help

Greater Good Charities

More than 6 million pets are brought into animal shelters each year, and, unfortunately, the ASPCA says close to a million are euthanized. Pets who find themselves in overcrowded shelters may be among the casualties, so relieving overburdened rescues is crucial. That’s where your support comes in.

Thanks to your clicks, trivia participation, shopping for a cause, and direct donations, The Animal Rescue Site and Greater Good Charities are teaming up with shelters on the east coast for the latest Flight to Freedom through the Good Flights program. On September 23, we’ll be transporting more than 40 dogs from overcrowded Southeastern shelters. Taking off from Louisiana, these animals will fly up to New Jersey, where there’s more room for them and forever homes are just around the corner. This gives these high-risk pets a chance at a second life and their happy ending.


Among the dogs headed to St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center in New Jersey is Mark.

Photo: Greater Good Charities

This tiny pup is only 8-weeks-old and was rescued from a landfill, where concerned workers pulled him from a piece of equipment. He was promptly taken to a shelter, where he was warmed up and fed. Now, this sweetheart Shepherd mix is ready to charm a forever family with his sweet demeanor.

Joining him at St. Hubert’s will be Lola, a 2-year-old Catahoula mix.

Photo: Greater Good Charities

This easygoing gal has earned the nickname “Laid Back Lola” because she just calmly takes life as it comes at her. She is pretty excited about walks, though, so her forever family is sure to enjoy lots of adventures with this affectionate pup.

Finally, Roland the 2-and-a-half-year-old Labrador mix is taking to the skies in search of a forever home.

Photo: Greater Good Charities

This smart guy, who’s more than ready to learn new things, was left at a hunting camp and never claimed. He was subsequently taken in by a shelter, where he plays well with other dogs. He’s also very affectionate, like many Labs, and is ready to cozy up to the people – and possibly the other dogs – in his ultimate forever home.

These flights are made possible by you! If you’d like to help fund this trip – just $5 help cover fuel costs for flying a pet 125 miles – click below!

Michelle Milliken

Michelle has a journalism degree and has spent more than seven years working in broadcast news. She's also been known to write some silly stuff for humor websites. When she's not writing, she's probably getting lost in nature, with a fully-stocked backpack, of course.

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