Family Tearfully Reunites With Their Dog 5 Years After She Was Stolen From Their Yard

Family Tearfully Reunites With Their Dog 5 Years After She Was Stolen From Their Yard

Five years ago, a Texas family was left heartbroken after their beloved German Shepherd was stolen right from their property.

When Stephanie Malmstrom checked her home surveillance footage, she couldn't believe her eyes when she saw a white truck pull up, grab their dog, Sheba, and drive off.

They searched everywhere for her, night and day, but to no avail. As time went on, their family feared they would never see their furry best friend again.

But years later, out of the blue, Malmstrom received a text that would flip their world right-side up.

"Sheba has been marked as found," the text read.

It turns out that Sheba had been found 600 miles away in Borger, Texas, by an animal control officer.

While they don't know exactly where Sheba had been the past five years, they believe she had bounced around from home to home before ultimately being abandoned.

The animal control officer, Jared Harper, recalls how relieved and shocked Malmstrom was when she learned their family's pup had been found.

"Stephanie started crying, she was really happy, really excited," he said.

If it weren't for Sheba's microchip, Harper never would have been able to track down Malmstrom.

Harper drove Sheba to the airport, where she was put on a flight to Houston to reunite with her family.

When she arrived back home, she went for a swim and even had a steak dinner to celebrate.

Her family is so happy to have her back home, and Sheba is equally excited to finally have her humans back.

Hear the story and watch their heartwarming reunion in the video below:

Ashley McCann

Growing up, Ashley always had a passion for writing. After receiving her Bachelor's in Journalism from Stony Brook University, she dove right into the professional world of content. When she isn't writing, she loves to read, travel, and explore the outdoors with her husband and two dogs.

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