Army Medic Surprises His Two Sisters At School After Being Apart For A Year

Army Medic Surprises His Two Sisters At School After Being Apart For A Year

Allen Castaneda, a medic specialist in the U.S. Army reserve, hasn’t seen his two siblings for nearly a year while he’s been deployed.

During his time in the military, Allen has missed birthdays, graduations and holidays. So when it was finally time for him to come home, he knew he wanted to pull off a surprise.

The last time he saw his sister Priscila, she was in high school. Now, she’s in college, which is where Allen decided to surprise her.

Priscila’s professor told the class that there was a surprise. When Priscila looked up, she saw someone in an Army uniform, but didn’t realize it was her brother.

Once he got closer, she immediately got up from her seat and gave him a huge hug.

After surprising Priscila, it was time for him to surprise his other sister, Leslie. He planned on surprising her in her classroom too, but that day she had been released early from class so she was already walking out of the room.

Allen was in the hallway when she walked out, and he quickly tapped on her shoulder.

She turned around and was shocked to see her brother there. She gave him a big hug and immediately started crying.

The sisters are so happy to have Allen back home, since the three of them are so close. The trio grew up doing everything together, and the girls say they didn’t realize how much they’d miss their older brother until he was gone.

Hear more of their story and watch the heartwarming reunion surprises in the video below:

Ashley McCann

Growing up, Ashley always had a passion for writing. After receiving her Bachelor's in Journalism from Stony Brook University, she dove right into the professional world of content. When she isn't writing, she loves to read, travel, and explore the outdoors with her husband and two dogs.

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