Tired Soldier Drops To His Knees When He Sees What's Waiting At The Airport

Tired Soldier Drops To His Knees When He Sees What's Waiting At The Airport

Although there are many videos to watch online, one that tends to really grab our attention and touch our hearts is a reunion video.

This is especially true of those who are coming home after serving overseas.

Although the individual who is serving made the decision to do so, they also make a sacrifice in many ways. They choose to miss out on time with their family that they would like and in some cases, they experience long months or even years away.

When they are able to come home again, it's always a touching event and it is one that we love when it is captured on video. That was the case with a soldier named Brent, who was coming home to meet his family.

Brent knew that his family would be there for him when he got to the airport, but he had no idea that he would be greeted by someone so special. After getting off the plane, he worked his way through the airport with another soldier, and you could tell he was tired.

Suddenly, the weariness washed away when he saw his parents. His heart was full when he saw them, but it wasn't long before he was on his knees.

He loved seeing his parents, but when he saw his beloved dog, he couldn't help but be touched. The dog also was happy to see his friend had returned again, and the two of them quickly became reacquainted.

We've seen a lot of reunion videos, but this is one that touched our hearts in a way unlike any other. I'm sure you will agree when you see it:

Timothy Roberts

I love to write and it keeps me busy. I've been working online, full time since 1999. When you can't find me at the keyboard, you'll find me getting as much as I can out of life. I enjoy living simply, playing games, visiting the beach, and spending time with my family.

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