Kind Barber Makes Haircuts Pleasant for Special Children

Kind Barber Makes Haircuts Pleasant for Special Children

We often see videos go viral, and they may grow to extreme popularity for different reasons. Some are funny, others are shocking, but our favorites are when they are kind and loving.

That was what we saw with a young boy named Ellison. He was 7 1/2 years old when he went to get his haircut and the Barber did everything right.

 width= Photos: YouTube / Jennifer Hudson Show

His mother admitted that he had a difficult time getting his hair cut in the past. He would often have meltdowns, and it was a miserable experience for everyone involved.

A Haircut Goes Viral

When Ellison went to visit Vernon Jackson, however, it was a completely different story. Suddenly, he was lighting up the room, and it was clear to see that something special was happening.

The second time Ellison came back to visit Jackson, the cameras were rolling. The video was so beautiful, with the little child lighting up the room with his contagious smile, it went viral instantly.

Ellison has had his trials in life. He has Down syndrome, and he has been through three open-heart surgeries, but he still loves to laugh.

 width= Photos: YouTube / Jennifer Hudson Show

Jackson had been cutting hair for two decades in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 2019, he became the owner of his own shop, and he saw an opportunity to build relationships with those who came in for a trim.

There is just something about him that seems to connect with children, so he decided to do something special. He started a separate business, and he named it Gifted.

More Than A Shop For Special Needs

He didn't want it to be just a place where children with special needs could come to get their hair cut. He realized that they were special and should not be defined by their disability, which is why he went with the Gifted name.

He offers those haircuts for free and has become well known as being someone that can really connect with the children that sit in his chair. He claims it's because he is a human first, and he wants to provide the best experience for kids with special needs.

It isn't very often that you see someone taking their abilities and doing something special with them. Vernon Jackson is doing just that, and you can see more about it in the following video:

Timothy Roberts

I love to write and it keeps me busy. I've been working online, full time since 1999. When you can't find me at the keyboard, you'll find me getting as much as I can out of life. I enjoy living simply, playing games, visiting the beach, and spending time with my family.

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