Dog Rescuer Meets A Stray Mini Chow Chow And Changes Her Life Forever

Dog Rescuer Meets A Stray Mini Chow Chow And Changes Her Life Forever

As an animal person myself, I can never wrap my head around the concept that there are people in this world who literally don't care about animals and their welfare.

It amazes me that kind of level of selfishness. I'm that person that will always stop and try my best to help an animal in need.

More than once I've been a foster fail, and one man was pretty much the same when he saw a little mini chow chow that had been rescued from the streets.

Lee Asher fell in love with the sick mini chow chow pretty much the moment that the Tacoma Humane Society rescued the small dog and brought him to Asher of The Asher House. In a heartwarming video, you can see Asher cuddling the dog and telling him, "you never have to worry again."

The mini chow chow was found on the streets and given the name Little Bear. Despite the fact that Little Bear is blind because of multiple eye issues, he's still a very happy pooch. When he was first rescued, he also had some kind of skin condition.

But, "all his medical needs are being taken care of by our world class vets," Asher described in a video pertaining to Little Bear's rescue.

Asher and Little Bear are one happy pair of friends, but Asher said that he would have to wait a little while before introducing Little Bear to his other rescue dogs at The Asher House, since he needed to have his medical needs sorted out first. But we just know that Asher is going to give Little Bear a wonderful life.

Check out the sweet video down below:

In another video, you get the cutest little update of Little Bear as Asher shares a video of Little Bear's adventure going to the groomer's. Check out the video down below:

What do you think of Little Bear's rescue? Let us know!

Anastasia Arellano

Anastasia is an American ex-pat living in Ireland. When she's not writing she can be found wandering the Irish countryside in search of inspiration. You can follow her writing adventures on Twitter @AnastasiaArell5 or Instagram @writeranastasia26

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