Man Shares His 90-Year-Old Dad’s Everyday Life With Dementia On TikTok & Goes Viral

Man Shares His 90-Year-Old Dad’s Everyday Life With Dementia On TikTok & Goes Viral

An Elk Grove man is using TikTok to spread awareness about dementia and document his 89-year-old dad Ed's everyday life.

Ed, who is about to turn 90 on March 26, has dementia and is now a TikTok sensation. His videos, taken and posted by his son and caregiver, Dan Sallinger, have more than five million views, and they have more than 500,000 followers.

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Dan says he created the TikTok to humanize the day-to-day reality of dementia, and to encourage people to consider home care.

While some of the videos that show Ed struggling with his dementia are sad, Dan says he tries to make some of the videos informative and others positive and funny.

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"If you don’t inject humor into the situation it’s unbearable - caregiving without laughing at it occasionally and being able to relax about it is not a good life, it’s serious," Dan told ABC 10. "But, add a little bit of a lighter side to it and try to inject humor and sarcasm when appropriate."

Ed is aware of the TikTok that his son created and how popular he has become on the app, but says he's just an average normal guy who is lucky to have a good family.

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Since his birthday is just around the corner, his fans from all over the country sent him cards and gifts. He was ecstatic to receive them and Dan says he became very possessive over them and wouldn't let them out of his sight. Since he doesn't have very many possessions, he is happy to have something to call his own.

You can find their TikToks at @dsalnorcal.

Hear their story in the video below:

Ashley McCann

Growing up, Ashley always had a passion for writing. After receiving her Bachelor's in Journalism from Stony Brook University, she dove right into the professional world of content. When she isn't writing, she loves to read, travel, and explore the outdoors with her husband and two dogs.

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