GreaterGood News

July 5th Is The Hardest Day For Shelters Across America, And Here's Why

July 5th Is The Hardest Day For Shelters Across...

Many of the missing animals wind up being euthanized.

July 5th Is The Hardest Day For Shelters Across...

Many of the missing animals wind up being euthanized.

This Hospital Prepares Dementia Patients' Pureed Food In A Very Special Way

This Hospital Prepares Dementia Patients' Puree...

Would you eat food that didn't look like food? Neither would we.

This Hospital Prepares Dementia Patients' Puree...

Would you eat food that didn't look like food? Neither would we.

Documentary Claims To Have The Answer to Autism, Cancer, and Diabetes. Doctors Want It Taken Down.

Documentary Claims To Have The Answer to Autism...

One expert tweeted this film should be nominated for the film "least likely to contribute to public health."

Documentary Claims To Have The Answer to Autism...

One expert tweeted this film should be nominated for the film "least likely to contribute to public health."

Chemo Makeup Tutorial: A Natural Glow When You're Feeling Low

Chemo Makeup Tutorial: A Natural Glow When You'...

She describes her makeup as: "Nice and fresh. Makes you feel good about yourself when you're maybe not feeling the best inside."

Chemo Makeup Tutorial: A Natural Glow When You'...

She describes her makeup as: "Nice and fresh. Makes you feel good about yourself when you're maybe not feeling the best inside."